Management Workforce and Literacy Training


Customer Service Skills (12 hours)
在这个节目中, 参与者讨论和实践有效的内部和外部客户服务的原则. The course is designed to build skills in listening, probing and questioning, dealing with difficult customers, resolving conflict and diffusing tempers, and maintaining positive and professional behavior. 主题包括:
•  Recognize that service delivery is an individual response value
•  Develop confidence and skill as a problem-solver
•  Communicate more assertively and effectively
•  Make customer service a team approach

Diversity and Inclusion (8 hours)
更甚于以往, 工作场所是各种各样的人的集合,他们为自己的性别感到自豪, their sexual orientation, 他们的宗教, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. 职场领导者面临的挑战之一是如何帮助这些不同的人作为一个团队工作. 我们都知道没有有效团队合作的组织会发生什么:他们会失败. 而且,不接受多元化也会给企业带来严重的法律成本. 这个为期一天的研讨会将告诉你如何在工作场所庆祝多样性,同时将个人团结在一起.

Team Building (16 hours)
本课程向学员传授过渡到越来越负责任的管理水平的技能,包括:新经理所需的领导能力,以及那些希望从一线或员工职位过渡到主管职位的人, building trust within the organization, overcoming workplace issues and goal achievement.

Problem Solving (8 hours)
本课程向学员传授以客户为中心解决问题所需的有效技巧,以及如何有效处理压力.  这些技能包括通过构思和提出适当的问题来进行适当的调查, identifying and clarifying the goal, 以冷静和客观的态度评估潜在的行动并选择最佳的行动决定.

Conflict Resolution (8 hours)
成功来自于理解我们的行为方式,以及我们如何影响他人. 如果我们认为困难需要在一个或一系列的对话中发生, and we approach those conversations with a plan, we will find that we have less difficult people to deal with. 通常情况下,我们也会有更有意义和重要的对话. 这个为期一天的工作坊将教导参与者如何将困境转化为成长的机会.

Time Management (8 hours)

业务 Writing (12 hours)
在今天的工作场所,各种商务写作技巧是必要的, and this course teaches them all. 课程参与者将在基本语法要领方面达到能力, sentence and paragraph structuring, 标点符号, 资本化, 使用数量, 和缩写词, as pertaining to business usage. 他们还将掌握撰写商务信函和备忘录的原则和技巧, 简短的报告, 和建议.

Communication in the Workplace (12 hours)
参与者将学习和应用沟通过程的基本要素, 选择沟通方式,以确保与他人沟通清晰,并制定个人建议和技巧清单,以继续改善外部和内部沟通. 主题包括: active listening, non-verbal communications, ‘personality’ protocols, 有效的语言运用和理解沟通失败的原因, and how to avoid pitfalls.

Personal Financial Management (12 hours)

这个项目为雇主提供了一个机会,让你有价值的员工发展金融知识,这些员工可能会在你的公司发展事业. 该课程包括长达12小时的个人理财知识培训. It covers life planning across all ages. 主题包括: Balancing income and expenses, 家庭预算, 储蓄, 投资, 大学贷款、购车和购房贷款, knowing your credit rating, 如何最大化你的员工福利,并为你和你的家人选择计划(401k, employee match programs, benefit cafeteria plans, 和更多的.)

Prevention of Harassment in the Workplace (up to 16 hours)

公司正在努力更加主动地防止骚扰. But how do you prevent harassment from occurring? What sorts of policies should be in place? What should managers do to protect their employees? And, if a complaint is filed, what will we do? All of these questions (和更多的!) will be answered in this two-day workshop. 此程序可根据您的工作场所需求和规定的政策进行定制.

Bi-Lingual Workplace Programs
Spanish in the Workplace Level 1 (40 hours)

这是一个40小时的定制课程,旨在帮助非西班牙语人士与说西班牙语的员工或客户进行有效的沟通. 帮助人们简单地沟通是本课程的主要焦点.这种类型的交流不需要变得流利或学习整个语言. 我们知道,组织投资语言培训是为了达到特定的目标, not to create great Spanish speakers. 词汇和短语可以与参与组织的目标相匹配.

Spanish in the Workplace Level 2 (40 hours)
这个西班牙语课程是为以前有西班牙语初学者经验的个人设计的. 本课程的主要目标是通过三种基本语言技能(听力)的基本发展,帮助个人发展有效和基本的西班牙语沟通技巧, 口语和阅读), while focusing on everyday occurrences n the work place.

English as a Second Language Level I (40 hours)
第一阶段是为那些有母语的学生设计的,他们可以流利地使用罗马字母将声音和符号联系起来, are typically unable to formulate complete sentences in English, are knowledgeable of individual words or phrases, but unable to express basic thoughts.

English as a Second Language Level II (40 hours)
二级是为有一定的写作交流能力,但需要提高基本写作风格和语法的学生设计的, demonstrate basic understanding of the verb system or word order, and have a minimal ability to convey ideas in writing and speaking, but may underst和更多的 than they can express.

English as a Second Language Level III (40 hours)
Additional language training that builds on Level ll.

Basic 数学ematics (16 hours)

本课程旨在评估学员的数学能力, 为参与者制定并交付一个说明性的计划,使其在能力允许的范围内向工作场所的基本和实用数学和测量要求发展,包括:基本加法, 减法, multiplication and division of whole numbers, 分数, 小数 and measurements.

Basic Measurements (16 hours)
本课程旨在评估学员的数学能力, 为参与者制定并交付一个说明性的计划,使其在其能力允许的范围内朝着工作场所的基本测量要求前进. Includes: basic addition, 减法, multiplication and division of whole numbers, 分数, 小数, measurements to include the use of standard measurement devices.